The best places in Chile to fall in love
By: Chile Travel - 28 August, 2021

«Love is in the air» where ever you go…. In February love is in the air in Chile. Chile is a romantic country where you can feel and breathe love, and during Cupid’s month we want to give you a list of the best places in Chile to fall in love, so take note!
When we think about that special person, we wonder, where would we like to go? What would we like to do together? Where can we see the most romantic sunset? What are some of Chile’s long-lived love stories?
If you are still asking yourself where to go this February 14th, we invite you to visit the places with the most romantic history so that you and that special person, the one who makes you feel all bubbly, can go together. And if you’re single, these are some marvelous spots where you can fall in love as you enjoy the beauties that this faraway land has to offer.
One great idea to do as a couple is to learn about some of the love stories and legends that permeate our history. Chile is full of tales that relate impossible love stories where the lovers ended up turning into a flower, a fruit, lake or something else that makes this true feeling last throughout the ages.
Without looking further, the Mapuche culture attributes a very romantic origin to our national flower, the Copihue. Long ago, a Mapuche princess named Hues fell in love with a prince from a Pehuenche tribe, named Copihue. However, their love was forbidden and secret since both their tribes had been fighting constantly for many years.
One day the elders and chief of each tribe decided to follow the lovers to their meeting place at a lagoon. When Nahuel, the princess’s father, saw the two together, he took his spear and aimed it at the young man, nailing it directly into his heart. For his part, the father of the prince retaliated by killing the princess and both fell into the waters of the lagoon.
Many years later, the people from both tribes decided to come together at this place to end their hostilities, make peace, and pay tribute to their deceased. At that moment, out of the lake a vine emerged to the surface, from which two long flowers hung, one as red as blood and the other white as snow. They named the flower Copihue, in honor of the fated lovers. We invite you to look for this beautiful flower and get to know one of the best places in Chile to fall in love.
Another interesting story is the legend of the Calafate, which says that all who eat this fruit will return to the southern lands of Chile. This belief has its origins and gets its name from the daughter of Chief Aonikenk. Her name was Calafate and she had the most beautiful golden colored eyes.
One day a young man named Selk’nam saw Calafate and they fell instantly in love. Knowing that their respective tribes forbade their love, they made plans to run away and be together. Unfortunately, Chief Aonikenk discovered the plan and went in search of the tribe’s Shaman to foil their escape. The Shaman decided to turn the young woman into a bush so she could never leave.
Ever since, the Calafate bush has bloomed with beautiful golden flowers, just like the princess’s eyes. Selk’nam searched for his love for many years and could not accept that she was gone forever. He finally died of a broken heart. The Shaman, upon seeing the young man’s lifeless body, felt responsible for the damage done and put a spell on the bush turning the fallen Calafate flowers into sweet purple fruits representing the broken heart of Selk’nam.
That’s why all who eat the fruit will feel an attraction for Calafate, just like the young Selk’nam felt for his lover. Lose no time in looking for this delicious treat that grows on the bushes of the Patagonia.
Without a doubt, each time you see a Copihue flower or taste the fruit of the Calafate, you will remember these love stories and some of the best places in Chile to fall in love.
Any place is a good place for romance or to fall in love when travelling. However, Chile has particularly special places to visit as a couple that together with its wines, seafood and sunsets turn the trip into a magic, romantic, even an aphrodisiac moment.
If in February, or at any other time of year, places like the Colchagua Valley are ideal to visit with that special person. The vineyards, mountains and the effects of the wine will create the perfect atmosphere for a romantic moment in a relaxing and natural environment.
One of the best places in Chile to fall in love, especially because of its tranquility, is Puerto Tranquilo. Situated on the western banks of Lago General Carrera, this place is characterized
Chiloé Is a magical island with an exquisite cuisine based on aphrodisiac seafood, making it an ideal place to visit with your loved one. From the moment you step off the ferry and begin to walk the winding paths that open towards beautiful beaches, houses built on stilts, colorful churches and green grassy loams, your experience under the hidden sun and rosy sky will make your stay in Chiloé unforgettable. It’s an ideal place for a Honeymoon or anniversary since it has a wide choice of up-scale boutique hotels, in numbers that continue increasing.
When speaking about the best places in Chile to fall in love, Rapa Nui can’t be excluded. What could be more romantic than visiting a paradisiac island with that special person? The sunsets, the climate and the natural surroundings as well as the traditional culture of the island make it ultra romantic and impossible to forget.
There are so many special places to visit as a couple. It’s like the lyrics of Raffaella Carrá’s song: “To make sweet love, you must come to the south” In the southern part of the world there are deserts, beaches, mountains and natural parks that turn Chile into an excellent romantic wonderland and an ideal place to celebrate love.