Health Protocols: A safe way to reopen
By: Chile Travel - 28 August, 2021
The health protocols and good practice guidelines, developed by the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism with the Undersecretary of Tourism and Sernatur, are now available and ready to be downloaded.
Said protocols –which are intended to provide guidelines that, in addition to delivering approved criteria, will guide tourism service providers– are part of the initiatives included in the National Tourism Plan announced by the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism, which includes three main goals: gradual reactivation based on protocols and health recommendations, economic support for the sector’s small businesses, and a plan to promote national tourism.
The protocols consist of “health requirements” for the operation of hotels, hostels, restaurants, among other services, as stated at the time by the Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, Lucas Palacios.
This initiative was announced in June, specifically to prepare the various services for the present moment, when several cities in Chile are already advancing to the stages of transition, preparation and reopening, and a number of businesses, small businesses, and services are beginning to reopen to the public.
The objective of the documents is to protect both the health of staff and tourists, and therefore they provide general recommendations on how to disinfect and clean work and public service areas, how to service customers, how to interact with suppliers, and how to deal with Covid-19 positive cases.
The protocols’ categories range from tourist accommodation establishments, restaurants, protected wilderness areas for public use and good practice guides and include tour guides, travel agencies, municipalities, museums, among others.
As the reopening process progresses gradually, the authorities will continue to implement new measures and protocols will be drafted for other tourism areas.
Protocols already published are:
- Tourist Accommodation Protocol
- Restaurant Protocol
- Protocol for the gradual reopening of Protected Wildlife Areas to public use
Links of interest:
Official Coronavirus Action Plan site:
Ministry of Health:
Request for permits and passes:
Santiago Airport:
Metro network in Santiago:
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Official Tourism websites: and
Official information on conditions in Chile: