Chile: Four destinations to bicycle along
By: Chile Travel - 28 August, 2021

Rapa Nui (Rapa Nui (Easter Island)) es uno de los mejores viajes que puedes hacer en tu vida. Si eres aventurero y quieres hacer esta ruta en bicicleta, te daremos algunas recomendaciones: La Carretera Austral es un camino largo (de ripios), donde andarás entre 40 y 60 kilómetros diarios.
Pero vale la pena el esfuerzo, porque verás paisajes verdes, bosques siempreverdes, lagos y lagunas que cruzan la Carretera Austral, ríos para la pesca con mosca y podrás disfrutar de un sinfín de actividades como visitar el Parque Nacional Queulat, el Lago General Carrera, Cavernas de Mármol, y mucho más.
Te recomendamos viajar a Coyhaique y desde ahí iniciar tu viaje hacia la Carretera Austral norte o sur. Ambas alternativas son extraordinarias.
Isla de Pascua
Dificultad: Media
Isla de Pascua es otro de los destinos que puedes visitar en bicicleta. Se puede arrendar en la ciudad de Hanga Roa y desde ahí hacer todas las excursiones como visitar playa Anakena, el cráter del volcán Rano Kau, y todos los moais de la isla. Te recomendamos planear un viaje de 4 o 5 días para que puedas disfrutar de su cultura, sus paisajes y la historia de Rapa Nui.
Difficulty: Easy
Valparaíso is known for its colorful and steep roads, culture, street-art and gastronomy. Many tourists decide to discover the city and its hills on a bike, while absorbing the history and uncovering the port´s story and how it became a UNESCO Heritage of Humanity in 2003.
Another biking circuit to enjoy links Viña del Mar, Reñaca and Concón along the coast of the Pacific with beautiful scenery, golden beaches and bays.
Southern Road, Patagonia
Difficulty: Medium / Hard
In a lifetime, the Chilean Patagonia is one of the best trips you will ever take. If you are adventurous and want to take this route, we would like to point out: the Southern Road (Carretera Austral) is a long, mostly gravel-covered road on which you will bike for 40 to 60 kilometers a day.
However, every effort is worthwhile, luxuriant landscapes, evergreen forests, lakes and ponds that lie along the Southern Road, rivers for fly-fishing and many other activities such as visiting the Queulat National Park, General Carrera Lake, Marble Cathedrals and many other marvels will enthrall you.
We recommend first going to Coyhaique; begin your trip toward the Carretera Austral whether north or south from there. Both alternatives are breathtaking.
Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
Difficulty: Medium
Rapa Nui (Easter Island) is another destination to visit on your bike. Rent a bike in Hanga Roa, all excursions start there. Visit Anakena beach, the crater at Rano Kau volcano and the Moais. We recommend planning a 4 to 5 days stay, to fully enjoy the culture, landscapes and history of Rapa Nui.