Visit the most impressive glaciers of the Chilean Patagonia
By: Chile Travel - 28 August, 2021

Over 80% of Latin America’s glaciers are in Chile. Therefore, the Chilean Patagonia offers hundreds of tours and excursions to view these impressive glaciers.
Next, a list of the glaciers you must visit, when planning your trip to Chile.
Grey Glacier – Torres del Paine National Park, Magellan Region, Patagonia.
The Grey Glacier is known to be one of the most impressive glaciers in the world; it is inside the Torres del Paine National Park, it partly overlaps into the Southern Ice Fields. Although part of the glacier broke off in 2017, the ice giant still captivates its visitors.
There are full day direct excursions from Puerto Natales to the glacier.
Balmaceda and Serrano Glaciers – Bernardo O’Higgins National Park, Magellan Region, Patagonia
The Balmaceda and Serrano glaciers are located in the Bernardo O´Higgins National Park, you can go on a full day visit from Puerto Natales, and then, navigate to get really close to these impressive glaciers.
Hanging Snowdrift – Queulat National Park, Aysen Region, Patagonia
This glacier, within the Queulat National Park is on northern Carretera Austral, and very special: it hangs from a cliff. Yep, that´s right! The phenomena, allows icy waters to freeze and form an enormous mass of ice that hangs like a waterfall in the middle of the mountain.
You can visit the Hanging Snowdrift on a day’s excursion from Coyhaique, although this is a long haul. However, this is one of the most peculiar glaciers worldwide and a must-see visit when traveling in the Chilean Patagonia.