Chilean Patagonia stores more carbon per hectare than the Amazon rainforest
By: Hernan Claro - 25 July, 2024

The carbon storage capacity of Chilean Patagonia and other forests is vital to mitigate climate change.
The scientific magazine Austral Ecology published a discovery that brings the forest of the Chilean Patagonia into the spotlight, since, according to the study carried out by Chilean specialists, this part of our country stores almost twice the amount of carbon (CO2) than the Amazon rainforests.
Despite the fact that Amazonia is a larger territory and one of the main biological reserves in the world per hectare of protected areas, the Chilean Patagonia stores almost twice the amount of carbon.
According to the specialists that made this major discovery, the importance of protecting Chilean Patagonia, its forests, and its bogs is now evidenced.
There are 430 tons of carbon per hectare accumulated there, in forests as well as bogs, and this amount increases to 508 in protected areas.
If natural areas and reserves capable of storing carbon did not exist, it would be lost to the atmosphere. In different words, the greenhouse effect would increase, and we would witness the effects of global warming at a much faster pace.
Visit and protect Chilean Patagonia
If you are as happy as we are to hear the news, we invite you to visit Chilean Patagonia and protect it.
Chilean Patagonia homes an incredible fauna, vast trails to explore, and millennial glaciers to travel through, among other activities you cannot miss.
Visit our blog! We will give you a few recommendations: